回复 :They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. He can detect things about you that you desperately want to conceal. He'll find that needle in the haystack. Don't ever doubt his extraordinary skills! But the truth is that his sense of smell is as much a curse as it is a gift. This guy can solve a mystery by having a single sniff around but what happens when all these myriads of smells force their way into his private life? Let’s just put it this way – he’s not exactly a happy camper.Season 2 of the successful series is even more intriguing and full of sophisticated crimes! A new mystery comes up and runs through the entire season. In addition, a new female character joins the team. Who she is and how she changes lives of the main characters – is another intrigue of the new season.
回复 :“无法抗争的命运的恋爱…三人编织出立于人生歧路的男女间令人感伤的爱情故事——”主人公瀧沢完治在银行工作,工作认真努力。和妻子瀧沢真璃子最近对话变少,和女儿也有所疏远,但他也接受了如此平稳的家庭生活。但某日被毫无道理地降职左迁,使他对自己的工作产生了极大的困惑。出现在他面前的是一张雪山的海报。他以出差为名,一个人去了瑞士。在瑞士的风雪中,他看到了一位日本女性——目黒栞,知性、有品位的她也是一人前来旅行。大雪裹山,月照山头的夜晚,两人是旁人未曾想的投机…另一方面,真璃子怀疑丈夫出轨却又未问出口,这样的她,竟对女儿的未婚夫陷入了恋爱…
回复 :講述離家多年的大學生夏志薰,在大三暑假回到了睽違七年的故鄉桃園大溪,在過程中逐漸找回遺忘的童年,並逐步解開與家人間的多年心結的故事。