回复 :A special sideshow torture exhibit has the power, according to showman Dr. Diablo, to warn people of evil in their futures. As skeptical customers are shown the greed and violence they're hiding, one of them snaps and kills Diablo. When they run off, we see the murder to be staged as part of the show. One of the customers has hung around to see this, and wants to make a deal with Diablo, aka the Devil.A very good anthology of tales, written by Robert Bloch and directed by Freddie FRancis, for Amicus, an icon of this kind of movie. The tales are uneven, sure, but they are all at least good, till the perfect final one, the Man who collected Poe, with Jack Palance and Peter Cushing, a great idea, and a marvelous tale to watch. Very good Burgess Meredith as Diabolo the Great, the host for these tales. Unfortunately for us all, this kind of movies are a thing from the past and today we don't get any more gems like this. A must see
回复 :本片通过记录中国,日本,美国等地的尺八演奏家,制管师,学习者的生活,去见证在尺八之路上行走着的人们,通过他们不同阶段的经历与思考,折射出来古老的尺八在当下的困境与希望,也通过尺八去映照出每个人对生活,生命,世界的认知与感悟。尺八,由竹子根部制成的管状乐器,因管长一尺八寸得名。尺八源于中国,在南宋时期传至日本发展至今,成为日本传统乐器的代表;而在中国,尺八却日渐式微。20世纪末期,随着中日民间的文化交流活动的增加,尺八重新回到中国人的视野。
回复 :After her sister's murder, Nic, her younger sister and two friends seek solace through a Pacific island kayaking adventure. Hours into the trip the women are stalked by a shark and must band together, face their fears and save each other.