亚洲In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
亚洲In Naples, a voice from the skies announces one morning that the final judgment will be at 6 p.m. on that day. What follows is a series of vignettes depicting various people's reactions (or lack there of) to the announcement.
回复 :影片前半部看是一出荒诞不经的嬉闹剧,但在黑色幽默的底层却深深反映出了战争后期人们的厌战情绪,影片后半部则感人至深,可谓深具震撼力,那个象征禁锢的棕榈树的两次被扔进大海,正象征了权利的倾覆和向往自由的呼声。
回复 :“郁卒”被捕入狱后又不幸罹患罕见的肿瘤,当医生告诉他只有一个月的生命时,他不愿就这样死去,一心想找机会越狱去寻找传说中的圣湖,所以他挟持治疗医师雷诺博士展开一场生命探索之旅……
回复 :Respected black cavalry Sergeant Brax Rutledge stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his superior officer.