回复 :进入了20世纪80年代,改革春风吹散了十年浩劫在老百姓心头留下的阴云,人民的生活得到改善,爱美的女孩子们也勇敢地穿上亮眼的裙子,一展少女的柔美。在上海大丰棉纺厂工作的乡下女孩阿香(宋忆宁 饰)羡慕上海女孩们比赛穿漂亮裙子的风气,也买了一件红裙子,随后让劳模陶星儿(赵静 饰)穿着红裙子去公园展示。这一经历给了陶星儿前所未有的自信,在此后的岁月里,无论是学业、事业还是爱情,种种经历都让她不知不觉改掉旧有的陈腐的观念,转而在新时代里勇敢地追寻自我。与此同时,阿香因为不愿被人看做乡下人,所以想方设法抬高自己的地位,却让自己陷入经济的泥潭。爱美的女孩们,她们正一步步摆脱束缚,拥抱真善美……
回复 :在经历了校园鬼话后,骚年们回来决定好好读书,不久后大学联考将至,骚年们听说有个学长在庙里祈福成功上了大学,为求考试顺利一群人在学长的带领下来到娜娜庙祈福,NICK在祈福时大放厥词。在娜娜的指引下骚年们上了小船,果断的踏上了作死之路。等待他们的将是。
回复 :A man wakes in an empty suburban house with no memory and blood smeared on his arm. As he frantically washes off the blood, he discovers that it is not his. He finds sticky notes around the house that read: "Don't stay in this room." "Don't go outside." "Don't go downstairs." Confused, he tries to follow the cryptic messages, ultimately discovering two things. Memories of a mother and daughter that he is somehow connected with, and also a demonic presence living in this suburban house. As he gets closer to solving the mystery of why he is there, the demon grows stronger, testing his will to survive.