回复 :The Pickup Game is an inside look at the emergence of the 'pickup' industry - a business where self-styled seduction coaches travel the world, charging a small fortune to teach men skills they claim will guarantee success with women. For the instructors who are successful, it is a highly lucrative occupation, with many companies earning millions of dollars a year. It is also an industry rife with controversy and scandal. Several teachers have been deported from countries for their contentious methodologies and pickup businesses are often the subject of fierce public criticism. Despite this, men the world over collectively spend hundreds of millions of dollars to attend seminars, download online courses and have one-on-one coaching sessions with instructors they feel can give them the dating life of their dreams. In the minds of students, many of these instructors become more than just teachers. They become idols. From the glossy exterior, where courses are packaged as
回复 :本片曾获得99年澳洲电影金像奖最佳影片/导演/原著剧本/男配角/剪接…等十一项提名,由澳洲男演员希斯莱杰(Heath Ledger)片中饰演主角吉米。一个充满屎蛋风格的笨拙黑色喜剧。19岁的吉米(Heath Ledger)是个涉世未深的街头混混,原本在脱衣舞娘酒馆当保镖,因缘际会认识了甜美忧伤的雅丽媞(Rose Byrne),纯真的爱情就此发酵。然而,吉米因为答应镇上黑帮毒虫老大旁多一件差事,途中却因两个半路杀出的贼小孩,差点丢了性命。吉米的决定、两个小孩的未来…导演用超现实阴阳交错多轨的叙事情境说故事。究竟是福是祸,上帝与魔鬼,邪恶与纯真的界线在哪里?吉米最后该如何决定摆脱命运呢?
回复 :该片讲述了把音乐当做唯一的朋友的"有莉",偶然间与"多慧"的特别家族相遇并开始真正成长的喜剧故事。