被害A medical school dropout and a housewife/mom try to make it as stand-up comedians. They become friends and help each other out at an NYC comedy club.
被害A medical school dropout and a housewife/mom try to make it as stand-up comedians. They become friends and help each other out at an NYC comedy club.
回复 :A preacher is accused of adultery and he and his followers are chased out of town and become stranded in an isolated forest which is haunted by the spirits of long dead Native Americans.
回复 :幼年时的一场滑雪事故,令爱丽丝(阿尔芭·洛尔瓦彻 Alba Rohrwacher 饰)摔伤了腿,并且这伤痛将永久的伴随和改变她的一生。天才少年马蒂亚(卢卡·马里内力 Luca Marinelli 饰)在他友善纯洁的外表下掩藏了一个十分黑暗的秘密。他那智力发育不全的孪生妹妹带给他的并非怜惜或是责任感,正相反,他希望永永远远的丢开这个恼人的累赘,一天,他真的这么做了。幼年的创伤带给孩子的有时是超越预期的打击,爱丽丝和马蒂亚这两个普通又特殊的人,他们带着创伤长大,成熟。他们就像数列里的质数,冰冷、孤独、坚硬,渴望着同类的出现和靠近,却又无法自持的要去彼此伤害。他们相遇,相爱,相互折磨然后分离去寻找各自的伴侣,但命运又注定他们无法分开。在这个秋天,这两个质数一般的男女,他们能否相互拯救,又或者,等待着他们的,是共赴隐藏在黑暗中的寂灭。
回复 :一个曾经是纳粹医生并且有恋男童癖的男人深深为自己的罪行感到内疚,并跳楼自杀未遂.,要依靠人工呼吸器生活.而当年曾经是他的一个受害人的年轻人成了照顾他的护士.