回复 :From the Emmy Award-winning team behind Planet Earth and Our Planet comes Our Planet II, Narrated by David Attenborough. At any given moment on planet Earth, billions of animals are on the move. Our Planet II unravels the mysteries of how and why animals move and migrate to reveal some of the most spectacular and dramatic stories in the natural world.
回复 :讲述带着性犯罪创伤生活的3个朋友,时隔12年后为了复仇再次聚首,从而发生的悬疑惊悚故事。
回复 :十九世纪中叶,吸血鬼不断骚扰欧洲居民,农场和村庄饱受侵袭。应教授及其追随者的派遣,年轻的约那坦作为密探前往坐落于海边的偏僻城堡——吸血鬼伯爵的栖身之处,以便为准备向其发送进攻的农民和学生摸清路线。此外,城堡里还有众多被吸血鬼抓获且供给堪忧的俘虏。但伯爵早已听到风声并等待 着约那坦的到来。约那坦必须历经血的洗礼,直到残暴的反抗运动重新肃清一切。(小易甫字幕组)