由Karan Singh (Salman Khan) and Arjun Singh (Shahrukh Khan) 饰演两兄弟,和歌与单亲妈妈Durga Singh (Raakhee Gulzar)居住在一个印度小农村,和歌因为有一段不为人知的艰辛命运,所以妈妈一直编了故事隐瞒两兄弟的真实身份。直到有一天他们的祖父即将去世,所以妈妈就带着他们两兄弟去见祖父最後一面,但是更悲惨的事就要发生了......之後两兄弟再度轮回,即将展开一段曲折离奇的复仇之路......
由Karan Singh (Salman Khan) and Arjun Singh (Shahrukh Khan) 饰演两兄弟,和歌与单亲妈妈Durga Singh (Raakhee Gulzar)居住在一个印度小农村,和歌因为有一段不为人知的艰辛命运,所以妈妈一直编了故事隐瞒两兄弟的真实身份。直到有一天他们的祖父即将去世,所以妈妈就带着他们两兄弟去见祖父最後一面,但是更悲惨的事就要发生了......之後两兄弟再度轮回,即将展开一段曲折离奇的复仇之路......
回复 :20世纪初,贫穷的意大利少年补鞋匠萨瓦托·菲拉格慕从那不勒斯航行到美国,以寻求更好的生活。他定居在南加州,并在寂静的时代成为好莱坞的制鞋匠。1927年,他回到意大利,在佛罗伦萨创立了同名奢侈品牌。
回复 :Six girls living along the Amazon, Nile, Mississippi, Danube, Ganges, and Yangtze rivers learn about water and sustainability and use their newfound education to protect their communities and homes.
回复 :At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the nun Maria is forced to flee her convent. She takes refuge in a brothel, until it is liberated by a woman's anarchist group. Maria joins the group and eventually goes to the front. The women's group faces the problems of fighting not only the nationalists, but also factions on the left seeking to impose a more traditional military structure.