回复 :昭和初年,崇尚自由的少女凛(蒼井優 饰)不愿重复母亲那为夫命是从的人生,在婚礼当天穿着礼服跑出家去;昭和中叶,凛的三个女儿各自经历不同的人生,长女薰(竹内結子 饰)与爱人经历生离死别,对亡夫久久无法忘怀。次女翠(田中麗奈 饰)是一家期刊的编辑,她一心做一名出色的女强人。小女慧(仲間由紀恵 饰)拥有幸福的小家庭,在第二个生命即将到来之际,她的生命却受到死神的威胁;21世纪之初,慧的两个女儿也品味着人生的种种:幼女佳(広末涼子 饰)拥有幸福的三口之家,乐在其中。长女奏(鈴木京香 饰)远赴东京追寻梦想,却不得不面对残酷冰冷的现实。三代女人,不同的人生,有如花开花落,周而复始……本片由著名化妆品牌资生堂赞助拍摄。
回复 :
回复 :This movie is a modern day version of The Prince And The Pauper where one man from a poor background ends up taking over another man's life from the entirely opposite end of the spectrum. Jamie Poulton - lead singer of tribute act 'Dive' - gets the opportunity to replace the iconic Donny Martin from the boy band group D5 with ever gripping twists and turns. This British film asks the question: could one man live in another man's shoes and actually get away with it!? Boyband D5's star-studded cast include hunky Luke White, DJ Tom Zanetti (who definitely has a helicopter at multiple times in the film), singers Jordi Whitworth and Shide Boss and TOWIE's Ricky Rayment, along with Eastenders beauty Danielle Harold as the leading lady, sizzling Jessica-Jane Stafford, Amar Adatia and a flurry of gorgeous models and exciting cameos from both the acting world and music industry. Written by Dead Ringer Movie