回复 :Every little detail is captured on the grain (and in 4K) in a film where the diverse wildlife around a single oak tree plays out like a daily drama of life and death. An audience favourite, and a huge nature experience.An oak tree is not just a tree. It is an ecosystem in itself, and a home to many different life forms at once. Featuring squirrels, herons, ants, deer and badgers, the French audience favourite ‘Heart of Oak’ unfolds the wonderful natural kingdom where everything is interconnected, from the roots to the crown. Starring an ancient oak tree – and with a camera that captures even the smallest detail – a daily drama of life and death unfolds as animals struggle for food, shelter and survival through the seasons. Shot in 4K, ‘Heart of Oak’ is a serious contender for the great nature experience of the year at the cinema. And by the way, the nearest oak tree is within cycling distance if you want to go and see for yourself after the film.
回复 :精神错乱的15岁少女任人欺凌,背后隐藏着不为人知的悲惨身世,经过江边的张,发现一15岁少女目不转睛望着他,进而将他认作是哥哥而紧跟在后,起初他只觉少女精神异常而任意的欺凌,随着时日,渐渐发现常保沉默而显自闭的少女原来有个非常痛苦的一段过去……影片根据作家崔尹的小说改编,以韩国光州5.18时期为时代背景。谈到创作意图,导演张善宇说:“故事最吸引我的地方就是1980年5月的光州。当时建立了很多拘禁违反戒严令‘犯人’的监狱。街头活报剧运动也十分活跃。这样一个特殊的时期应该用一部电影来呈现。”
回复 :本片为八十年代由蓝乃才导演的写实警匪片。故事讲述侦缉警长赵敬才(罗莽 饰)因一次行动,连累下属被劫匪击毙,而被上司指责处事鲁莽,改派督察邱正明(苗侨伟 饰)接办案件。敬才与正明办案作风迥异,冲突日多。职业杀手利子健(白彪 饰)受雇来港狙杀殷商徐文(王戎 饰),岂料行动时却误中副车,仅杀死徐文之助手;当徐文查得杀手为子健後,急欲除之。警方接获线报,即派正明与敬才率队出发,阻止黑帮火并……