欧美Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one.
欧美Afflicted with a mysterious disease after surviving an overdose, a woman returns to her childhood home to confront her personal demons but instead discovers a real one.
回复 :一个生物实验室在研究和制造一只能食肉的突变蟑螂,一天因一个员工的失误导致那只突变蟑螂成功脱离了管控并屠杀了整个实验室的员工,突变蟑螂秘密潜入了一个和平的新英格兰渔村,并恐怖地屠杀了那里的居民。
回复 :三位朋友,拍摄一场极限真人秀的录像带,进入了鲨鱼笼潜水,但是没想到,很快会变成一场灾难性的转折,把他们留在巨大的白色鲨鱼出没的水域,把他们的录像变成一本关于生存和死亡的冷血日记。
回复 :A murderous religious cult is way-laying travellers and stealing goods in nineteenth century India. As the disappearances mount and trade becomes difficult, the British East India Company is forced to act. But they give the job to an upper-class officer completely out-of-touch with the country rather than the obvious candidate who has been in India for years and well understands the people and culture.