亚洲An overweight teen is bullied by a clique of cool girls poolside while holidaying in her village. The long walk home will change the rest of her life.
亚洲An overweight teen is bullied by a clique of cool girls poolside while holidaying in her village. The long walk home will change the rest of her life.
回复 :凌风(张宇饰)原本同女友李薇(粒粒饰)感情美满,但“狂躁”病毒席卷全球,他们与好友佳音(刘雅璐饰)与张轩踏上了危机四伏的逃亡之路。在路上,张轩(张子午饰)被丧尸伏击,一阵厮杀之后,他们亲眼目睹伙伴被丧尸感染。为了微薄的希望,他们穿越丧尸群集的恐怖地带,本以为找到了一个安全的避风港,浑然不觉更大的危机已潜伏在了身边。李薇之外的每个人似乎都有各自的秘密,而这些秘密,正将这群男女带入万劫不复之中……
回复 :Don刚考到车牌,渴望拥有一辆私人汽车,友人Vicky介绍给他一辆又便宜又靓的跑车,Don非常喜欢,立即买下。Don带着女友Joey驾驶刚购下的跑车出去兜风,突然车内冷气中散发出一阵迷烟,令他们神智不清。恍惚间,两在车内发生了越轨行为。其后,又有多名男女在车内被迷烟侵体,Don发觉有异,遂向神婆邵擎天求助,才得知原来自己车中附着女鬼阿惠……
回复 :Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He runs away, but he understands his troubles have just begun when the following day he receives an envelope with photos of him killing the man. Someone is killing all his friends and trying to frame him for the murders...