回复 :诺拉(梁咏琪 饰)的女儿瑶瑶一直无法适应幼儿园生活。在丈夫阿曼德(许博文 饰)的支持下,诺拉决定辞掉工作,全职当一位陪伴女儿成长的妈妈。瑶瑶转到了乐悠悠幼稚园上课,该园贯彻着无忧无虑和自由自在的教育方针,这使得瑶瑶的情绪得到了很大的改善,逐渐融入了校园生活。同时,诺拉还与单身母亲维纳斯(周家怡 饰)成为了好朋友,她们一起学习,一起扮演全职妈妈的角色。就在一切看似向好发展的时候,有着强势个性的富豪爸爸查尔斯(潘灿良 饰)开始向学校施加压力,希望孩子们能在起跑线上取得胜利。幼儿园内逐渐形成了两股势力,并在校园的大小事务上展开了对抗。
回复 :燕国太子喻非宸联姻镇国大将军之女尹南瑶,新娘是替嫁杀手前来索命,刚入府就遇上太子暴毙要陪葬,杀手月见连忙与组织内应二皇子接头,却不知实际是太子分饰两角钓鱼执法。月见在太子府和组织之间周旋,越来越不忍对喻非宸下手,喻非宸以两重身份纵览全局,也越来越舍不得戳穿月见……
回复 :After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Montreal where they begin their new life. But for Tinh, adapting has its share of difficulties. Already shy and reserved by nature, she must learn a new language and integrate into her new environment. Haunted by the hardships of the journey, Tinh will have to draw deep within herself the resilience necessary for her survival and her happiness.