中文字幕A man with spiritualist powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is returning to destroy his daughter's soul, and that he should take drastic measures to prevent this from happening.
中文字幕A man with spiritualist powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is returning to destroy his daughter's soul, and that he should take drastic measures to prevent this from happening.
回复 :Valeria, a young woman expecting her first child, becomes cursed by a sinister entity. Plunged into a terrifying and dangerous world, a group of witches emerge as her only hope for safety and salvation, but not without grave risk.
回复 :当鲨鱼科学家瑞恩·约翰逊(Ryan Johnson, 海洋生物学家)拍摄到座头鲸被大白鲨袭击并淹死时,一次常规的无人机调查变得致命。 这种前所未见的行为导致约翰逊一生都在研究的生物的视角发生了彻底的转变,促使他跟随座头鲸迁徙并绘制可能使它们易受伤害的地方。
回复 :芬兰恐怖片。影片取材于当地的真实惨案:1960年6月4日,四个年轻人来到波登湖旁边露营,结果在半夜遭到残忍袭击,其中三名受害者死亡,还剩一名幸存者事后想不起发生了什么,但这起事故最终因为缺乏足够的证据而成为了一宗悬案,外界对于该案有着各种猜测,这些猜测便促成了导演对剧情的构思,也就是本片的内容....