回复 :清朝人物韦小宝(张兆辉)在阴间巧遇王松,借了王的躯体和身份到阳间,展开了一段神奇的旅程。韦摇身一变而成为八十年代香港的一个工厂工人,对周遭的环境和人事都感到新鲜有趣。王松的未婚妻周玉珠(龚慈恩)发觉其未婚夫原来是只鬼,但仍然对他死心塌地。 韦认识了工厂少爷甄承商(任达华),并与他结成好友。商的叔父甄泽(岳华)一直野心勃勃,暗谋家业,使两人友情遇到不少挫折。加上风流成性的韦一直心仪商的女友阿Mon (李美凤),却不忍横刀夺爱,故陷于极大的感情困扰中。 王松阳寿未尽,折返阳间,向韦讨回身躯,小宝如何是好?故事自有分晓。
回复 :
回复 :Wayo is accepted at the Kantaphat University, in the Faculty of Sciences; in the same institution he studies, Phana, a second-year boy he has always been in love with, though he never managed to talk to him. When Wayo has the chance to become the moon of his faculty, the two will begin to spend time together because Phana himself has been the moon of the medical school the previous year and must supervise the freshmen participating in the competition. Despite initially the strong character of Phana makes it difficult for Wayo any more simple interaction, the two slowly get closer and closer. So, Wayo began to visit friends of Phana, Beam and Kit; it is the latter who suddenly falls in love with Ming, Wayo's best friend, who begins to court him despite his initial haste.