回复 :美国喜剧电影《向前看》(Moving On)由简·方达、莉莉·汤普琳主演。二人继《同妻俱乐部》后再次搭档,这次她们饰演一对在葬礼上遇见的好友,二人决定合作报复四十五年前曾冤枉她们的鳏夫。啼笑皆非的谋杀故事背后是怎样的心酸苦痛?本片由保罗·韦兹担任编剧与导演,于2022年多伦多电影节上映。
回复 :All her friends adore Nour. She’s a tomboy, plays a badass game of soccer and is treated like one of the guys by her teammates. She can also take on anyone, with her sharp wit and repartee. But despite her buddies, her over-protective mom and her brilliant mind, Nour is unhappy. She wishes she could be more feminine and wants dudes to see her as a girl, not a cute brother. Especially since her boyfriend just dumped her for some hot chick Nour is at the end of her rope. Something needs to change.So when Sissi, a Pole Dance instructor offers to teach her for free, Nour grabs the chance to try something new. Coached by Sissi, who believes in her, and supported by her group of friends, Nour gives everything she’s got to the possibility that she too, can be womanly.
回复 :艾伦(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)和巴里(詹姆斯·柯登 James Corden 饰)曾经是纽约首屈一指的当红演员,却因为时代的转变导致事业一落千丈,他们所筹备的百老汇表演竟落得无人问津的下场。那边厢,生活在印第安纳州的女孩艾玛(乔·艾伦·佩尔曼 Jo Ellen Pellman 饰)也正处于困扰的心情之中,她和她的女友艾丽莎(艾莉安娜·德博斯 Ariana DeBose 饰)想以伴侣的身份参加学校的毕业舞会,然而惨遭拒绝。当艾伦和巴里得知了这一消息后,从中发现了商机,两人决定帮助这两个女孩,通过这个机会重振他们的演艺事业。哪知道这个选择就此彻底改变了四人的命运。