回复 :电影分为两部分,讲两对男女的相遇相知,有点儿公路电影味儿。首先出场的是阿朗(刘雅丽),她是港深公路上一间酒吧的收银员,竟日看着人来人往,彼此间看像熟络实则陌生,她惟独对货柜车司机阿春(卢惠光)暗生情愫,认定他是带她远离这个枯燥世界的人。而另一边厢,出场的是沦为妓女的阿Cat(李惠敏),她希望以出卖身心来换取一笔金钱,好让她从此离开这个丑恶的世界,但监管她的马夫Danny(陈豪)却令她的愿望幻灭,因二人日久生情,而Danny又身负巨债,Cat赚来的每一分钱都为他偿还赌债。不过,在一个月黑风高的晚上,二人毅然踏上不归之路。
回复 :16 year old Rocco's two aims in life are to get laid and to see his favourite pop star in concert with his best friends, sassy and tomboyish Maria and nerdy and quiet Mauri. When a bullying incident at school forces Rocco to come out to his divorced middle-class parents their liberal leanings are severely tested. Luckily his two friends stand by him and join him in running away from home (in his parents stolen car) to see their favourite singer in concert, followed hot on their heels by his neurotic mother and eccentric gran to hilarious effect. A vibrant , funny coming out tale,, A Little Lust is both immersive and totally life-affirming.
回复 :馬克特紐任職全球首屈一指的銀彈重地─菲尼銀行。他在接下新執行長的職位時,很清楚自己只是某些董事謀私的棋子。但他仍善用兩面手法鞏固高位,一方面不畏脅逼、豪取權利,一方面則在國內外分部厲行改革。為了阻擋美國投機基金公司惡意併購,馬克特紐更巧妙分化內鬼外神,與幕後勢力正面對決。當天文數字遇上複雜人性,馬克的野心是否會反客為主,將他的靈魂吞噬殆盡?