回复 :Episode 1 - The Eternity RingMI5 suspects British atomic research has been infiltrated, and ask Foyle to investigate whether a Russian spy network could be at work in the heart of London.Episode 2 - The CageFoyle’s investigation into the death of a nameless Russian leads to a mysterious military facility and the discovery that the victim was a spy with dangerous connections to British intelligence.Episode 3 - SunflowerProfessor Peter Van Haren gives a lecture to a group of students on the self-portraits of the artist Rembrandt and causes a young man to suffer a frightening flashback which ends in tragedy.
回复 :人头攒动的东京秋叶原,是动漫、游戏迷心中的圣地。他们从四面八方云集于此,寻找心中的至爱。小眼镜男山田刚司(伊藤淳史 饰)是一个终日游荡在秋叶原的销售员,他性格内向,毫无主见,事业和爱情没有着落。当然,他的心中也有着心仪的对象,那就是经常会在电车上遇到的美人青山沙织(伊东美咲 饰)。某晚,一个醉汉(泉谷しげる 饰)大闹电车,甚至骚扰到青山小姐。山田鼓起勇气解围,青山分外感谢,日后更送他爱马仕的茶具作为感谢。没有恋爱经验的山田面对爱人不知所措,他以电车男的网名登陆留言板,向陌生的好友们寻求帮助。大家纷纷出谋划策,共同帮助山田踏上追寻爱情的道路……
回复 :夏暖错信好闺蜜,导致夏家支离破碎,父母惨死,自已也几度濒死,只能假死脱身,如今化作宋禀,进入苏氏集团,潜伏起来,却在一场晚宴中竟遇到曾经最爱的顾寒津