狼料行狼The story follows the Morels, including two teenagers and a 7-year-old kid who are driving their parents out of their minds. One morning, they all wake up inside each other's bodies.
狼料行狼The story follows the Morels, including two teenagers and a 7-year-old kid who are driving their parents out of their minds. One morning, they all wake up inside each other's bodies.
回复 :通过揭露真相的原始素材和对约翰·迈克菲的采访,本纪录片展现了这个在逃科技先锋在疯狂逃亡岁月中不为人知的一面。
回复 :一个年轻的女人的丈夫是一个著名的民谣歌手,在丈夫去世后自己一个人过着艰难的生活,然而一个纽约的记者认为她丈夫的死因有鬼,并找上门逼迫她面对她所失去的一切……
回复 :本片由英格玛·伯格曼编剧,剧情改编自伯格曼父母的婚姻故事。其母安娜原是富家千金,偶然认识了贫穷的哲学系学生亨利·伯格曼,执意要嫁给他,不惜违背母亲的旨意。但她前往亨利的故乡结婚之后,才发现地处穷乡僻壤的婚姻生活并不如想象中美好,此时她才回想起母亲对她那美好的用意。