回复 :Drillers on an oil rig near Antarctica discover that they accidentaly brought up several prehistoric eggs. One egg hatches and becomes an unstoppable creature. Chad Everett and Jennifer Warren risk there lives to stop it
回复 :A traveling haunted house becomes a nightmarish prison of murder for contestants who agree to participate in a contest to be locked inside overnight. Based on a real life haunted attraction in America's Midwest.
回复 :公元1905年,此时的中国已经遭遇了八国联军以及各国列强的涂炭,一系列丧权辱国的条款仍在签署。这块土地和在这里休养生息的中国百姓,隐忍地接受着那些颐指气使的洋人们和他们的带来的一切。洋人们已经把这块土地当成自己的乐土而乐不思蜀。慈禧仍在东暖阁内垂帘……而国家已经是内扰外攘、民不聊生……我们的故事,就发生在 l00 年前的中国。