春暖The trials and triumphs of Malti, an acid attack survivor. From the investigation of the attack to the court proceedings, the medical treatment to the emotional healing. Chhapaak is the story of the unquashable human spirit.
春暖The trials and triumphs of Malti, an acid attack survivor. From the investigation of the attack to the court proceedings, the medical treatment to the emotional healing. Chhapaak is the story of the unquashable human spirit.
回复 :根据秘密情报显示,邪恶博士在月球装设了能量超强的雷射炮,坐标对准美国华盛顿,除非美国政府缴交高额赌金,否则这个重要都市将永远地从地球上消失……
回复 :It is a story about the famed meeting m.77mi.cc of the heads of the Mafia in 1957 in upstate Apalachin, NY.
回复 :大虾(刘青云 饰)替名震江湖的老大唐俊(郑伊健 饰)办事,帮他杀死了叛徒黑牛,很受俊的赏识。大虾一怒之下杀了奸夫,俊为他多方奔走才使他脱罪,自此两人成了莫逆。岂料俊遭到他的亲大哥威陷害运毒,被警方通缉,无奈只好潜回大陆避难。俊的女友辣椒(邱淑贞 饰)前往找威报仇,失手被擒后惨遭摧残。两年后,俊重回香港,俊发现大虾已经成为威身边的大红人,只是大虾还不知道当日陷害俊的就是威。俊万念俱灰,想就此退隐江湖。大虾在得悉威就是当日的幕后黑手时,发誓要帮俊报仇雪恨!