春暖The trials and triumphs of Malti, an acid attack survivor. From the investigation of the attack to the court proceedings, the medical treatment to the emotional healing. Chhapaak is the story of the unquashable human spirit.
春暖The trials and triumphs of Malti, an acid attack survivor. From the investigation of the attack to the court proceedings, the medical treatment to the emotional healing. Chhapaak is the story of the unquashable human spirit.
回复 :
回复 :母亲去世后,郝成功和郝希望父子二人相依为命。一次偶然的经历、一个神秘的宝盒,竟然让二人发生了灵魂互换。老爸重获青春,在街头混出了一片天。儿子则凭借爸爸的身体,挖掘出了母亲离世时那个不为人知的秘密...
回复 :8岁男孩卡卡聪明活泼,是一个顶尖汽车工程师,他在助手兼玩伴丁丁的帮助下,开发出了名为“K系统”的芯片。K系统可实现高智能操作,实现人车对话。第一辆下线的K1开朗爱说,很快和丁丁打成一片。卡卡并不满足,他再接再厉又开发了冷静淡定的K2和堪称接近完美的K3。未过多久,卡卡收 到了“高级智能汽车大赛”的邀请函,他信心满满,决定带着三辆宝贝车参加比赛,为此他专门为三部车定制了严苛的训练计划。比赛一天天临近,这三部个性十足的智能车会取得怎样的成绩?