回复 :After the death of his youngest brother following an alleged police altercation, Abdel (Dali Benssalah) is called back from the frontline to find his family torn apart. Caught between his younger brother Karim's (Sami Slimane) desire for revenge and the criminal dealings of his older brother Moktar (Ouassini Embarek), he struggles to calm the rising tensions. As the situation escalates, their community ATHENA is transformed into a fortress under siege, becoming a scene of tragedy for both the family and beyond… For his third feature, director Romain Gavras delivers an immersive modern tragedy co-written by Ladj Ly and Elias Belkeddar. Starring: Dali Benssalah (Abdel), Sami Slimane (Karim), Anthony Bajon (Jérôme), Ouassini Embarek (Moktar), Alexis Manenti (Sébastien) Watch ATHENA, coming to Netflix September 23.
回复 :Pottan is going to a riding camp, but ends up at a recycling center where she is taken care of by the strange staff. One day Pottan finds out that the staff are building a space rocket.
回复 :一百年前,黑白默片风靡日本,大人小孩都为之著迷。俊太郎(成田凌 饰)常常鑽进戏院偷听免费电影,不管是邦片还是洋片,总能将辩士的口吻模仿得唯妙唯肖,「旁白辩士」是俊太郎自幼的梦想,长大后却沦落为「冒牌辩士」,分散观众的注意力,再让小偷趁机闯空门。在某次差点穿帮的过程中,他带著赃款逃到小镇戏院「青木馆」,戏院裡有醉汉辩士、花美男辩士还有肥宅辩士等各种不同风格的辩士,加上电影放映师、乐师以及小气老闆夫妻带他畅游电影幕后世界,但小偷集团、热血警察紧追不捨,童年一起看电影的初恋女孩也跟著现身,还有镇上那新开幕的时髦戏院,老闆的女儿也疯狂地爱上了他,俊太郎的青春恋爱梦该何去何从……