回复 :拥有超强吐槽气质的高中生小雪芹,因自己的吐槽气质而最讨厌渴望被吐槽的人。然而,盯上他的却是外表、言行、气场、甚至其存在本身都充满槽点的最强中二高中生——花鸟兜。发誓绝对不吐槽他的芹,终究还是没有忍住。他的周围,有点奇怪的家伙们也开始渐渐聚集……时而爆笑时而可爱的男子高中生喜剧故事即将拉开序幕。
回复 :Between February and October 1917, Imperial Russia, once deemed eternal, plunges into revolution. Nine months of popular and spontaneous revolt, fueled by the weariness of the Great War. Nine months of hopes, freedom and democratic aspirations, chronicled at that time by a journalist stationed in Petrograd, shedding a new light on this period. Nine months of unrest and uncertainties, before a coup brought about an upheaval that changed the course of History and profoundly altered the future of civilization.
回复 :《咱们穿越吧第二季》是四川卫视引进韩国CJ E&M《时间探险队》推出的大型历史体验真人秀节目,由四川卫视和韩国CJ E&M联合制作,第二季八位固定成员是张卫健、沈腾、宋小宝、杨千嬅、黄小蕾、海陆、于小彤、金圣柱。