不漏不要Sara, an apathetic teenager, will get art history tutoring from Helena. What neither of them know is that simple art lessons will become a more personal journey for Sara to accept herself.
不漏不要Sara, an apathetic teenager, will get art history tutoring from Helena. What neither of them know is that simple art lessons will become a more personal journey for Sara to accept herself.
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回复 :经济不景气,想发财要更努力!江爸和江妈牵手一世人,也吵了大半辈子,吵架的主题除了柴米油烟,不外乎是家里的三个孩子。江爸是公务员退休,老实憨直,平安就满足;然而江妈可不这麼想了,能够当有钱人,谁要当穷人!於是她把希望寄托三个孩子身上,希望他们早日发财,别像她为钱苦恼。发财,谁会不想呢?就连嫁进来的媳妇也盼望著江家大儿子能创业成功,让她有面子回娘家!然而发财之路路迢迢,小人物要如何才能成功大翻身呢?
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