回复 :Big Brother 3 is the third season of the Canadian reality television series Big Brother Canada. It is based upon the Netherlands series of the same name, which gained notoriety in 1999 and 2000. The series premiered on Global on March 23, 2015 and will last for ten weeks. The series revolves around sixteen strangers living in a house together with no communication with the outside world. They are constantly filmed during their time in the house, and are not permitted to communicate with those filming them. One HouseGuest, known as the Head of Household, has the task of nominating two of their fellow HouseGuests for eviction. The Power of Veto can be used to save a nominee. The HouseGuests then vote to evict one of the nominees, with the HouseGuest who receives the most votes being evicted from the house. When only two HouseGuests remained, the previously evicted HouseGuests decide which of them would win the $100,000 grand prize.
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回复 :农学博士发明了一颗超级萝卜,他把它锁在了营养舱里。可是粗心的博士却忘了开舱密码。萝卜不能长久呆在营养舱里,必须在30天内把它拿出来。能够开启营养舱的另一个方法是完成幻镜任务。所以,博士将这个任务交给了阿U和他的小伙伴胖仔、阿美和男人婆。可是以兔菲为首的三只兔子早就对萝卜垂涎三尺,它们抢走了幻镜。为了抢在兔子之前开启营养舱拿到萝卜,博士给了阿U等人另一台幻镜。孩子们和兔子们打开幻镜,不停得到任务指引:解密汉字拼音,得到下一个阶段任务地点方位;寻找七巧板,得到下一个任务地点方位;完成英语字母连接,得到下一个任务地点方位。兔子们会在阿U进行任务解析时捣乱,阿U也依靠自己的聪明才智,挫败兔子。于是,一场妙趣横生的对抗赛上演了。