欧美An LGBT-themed horror film set in a rural town in the Philippines. A remote village is gripped with fear. Its residents are missing one by one. Now a young nurse is in town to care for an ailing Don Filipo. Will he be the next victim?
欧美An LGBT-themed horror film set in a rural town in the Philippines. A remote village is gripped with fear. Its residents are missing one by one. Now a young nurse is in town to care for an ailing Don Filipo. Will he be the next victim?
回复 :东宫太子元宵夜微服出宫,误食中毒,御医院束手无策,御医院最高医官龙太医找来平素流连烟花勾栏场所的第九子——龙重九救命。龙重九用了匪夷所思的方法,为太子解毒。
回复 :The initial announcement described the movie as “A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement is financed and made possible by branding, advertising and product placement.” Sounds like an interesting, if not gimmicky, concept.
回复 :一个潦倒半生的女孩玛雅有天得知自己在乡下原来有间大屋,于是想借着卖屋大赚一笔。但当她与好友阿丁回到这条偏远的村落时,却发现人烟稀少怪事重重,更浑然不知村民一直在找她,为的就是杀死她来解除肆虐多年的恶咒。在她奋力逃生之际,自己的身世之谜亦慢慢浮面….