  时间:2025-03-29 11:27:53

这部由犯罪现场衍生而来的剧集自CBS播出以来收到极大好评。场景发生在佛罗里达州的阳光迈阿密,总裁以隶属于迈阿密犯罪鉴证科的犯罪现场调查小组为主线,总裁他们频频出入各种案发现场寻找证据和蛛丝马迹,利用最先进的科技手段,将毫无关联的线索与支离破碎的疑点拼凑起来,抓捕罪犯。迈阿密犯罪鉴证科由前谋杀科探员为主管,带领几位下属:拥有双语能力的拆弹专家、搜查员、 DNA监证人员、验尸官及潜水专家继续破解刑案。全新科学监证队伍的队员合作无间,经过他们有条理的分析,在高科技的辅助下,让他们完满地完成任务。新系列除由全新演员演出外,新增了户外和搜查场面,而非只有化验室运作场景,让观众耳目一新。准确点说,CSI中的角色不应叫做法医,他们应被称为“科学家”。之所以这么说,是因为在破案过程中,他们除了对死者尸体进行调查外,还会对凶案现场的一些现象,包括很小的细节进行取证和研究,更多的在于表现一些法医学前沿的尖端高科技侦破技术,包括弹道学、犯罪危险因子学、法医毒理学、DNA破裂鉴定、咬痕与血型分析、齿科学、昆虫学、痕迹学、犯罪变态心理学等。影片对于普通受众平时很难接触到的专业技术,并没有敷衍了事一笔带过,而是真正地从科学技术的角度来拍摄。如通过使用死者等量人体模型,在其坠楼的位置,用不同的方式 ——被他人推下或自由落体,观其与真实坠楼位置的异同,判断是谋杀还是自杀;通过观察高度腐烂死者身上苍蝇的成长阶段,得出被害人死亡时间;通过研究血液喷溅形状、大小和位置,推断案发时被害人遭袭击的方式;通过枪支弹道的磨损与凶案现场的子弹划痕比较,判断枪弹与案件的关联。在视觉上,像子弹如何在体内穿梭、血管器官如何被破坏等等,也都通过影片真实的展现出来,让人有种在实验室看实验演变直到得出结果的




回复 :After four decades of reporting from the continent, Jonathan Dimbleby returns to Africa on a 7,000-mile journey to discover how it is changing.【Mali, Ghana and Nigeria】He starts his African journey in the capital of Mali, Bamako, the fastest-growing African city. Following the course of the Niger river, Dimbleby finds not a continent of beggars but of industrious people, some of whom go to extraordinary lengths to make a living, free-diving 20 feet to excavate building sand.Travelling north-east, he sees how tradition is preserved in an area where a sophisticated urban society has thrived for 1600 years. Jonathan gets his hands dirty as the apprentice of a 74-year-old mud mason in Djenne, a town built entirely of mud.In Ghana, one of Africa's freest and most stable countries, Jonathan sees a spectacular festival before playing a game of golf with the King of the Ashanti, who recalls his time working for Brent council. Dimbleby attends the King's court to see what lessons the UK can draw from traditional African structures that promote harmony and reconciliation.Jonathan discovers that the African brain drain is turning into a brain gain as economic opportunity and patriotism draw people home. Football unites Ghana like nothing else, superseding political and tribal divisions. There is a rich seam of young football talent on the continent in the year that the World Cup is hosted by an African nation for the first time.In Lagos, Nigeria's business capital, Jonathan Dimbleby sees a different take on a city that is often depicted as a hotbed of violence, crime and corruption. He is taken on a private jet by Africa's richest man, then savours the creative talents of two of African music's rising stars who are helping to cement Lagos's place as the continent's cultural hub.【Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania】On the second leg of his illuminating journey across Africa, Jonathan Dimbleby travels 2000 miles through East Africa's Rift Valley.Starting in Ethiopia, where he was the first journalist to report the 1973 famine, Dimbleby discovers the great strides being made to safeguard the country from future catastrophes.In Kenya he finds out how mobile phones are revolutionising small businesses and even the lives of Masai tribes.In Tanzania he joins in a football match with the judges and guards of Africa's own Human Rights Commission and meets the street kids in Dar-es-Salaam who are building an international profile for their music.【Congo, South Africa and Zambia】On the final leg of his 7,000-mile odyssey, Jonathan Dimbleby travels from Congo to Durban in search of the stories revealing contemporary Africa.He learns how China's billion-dollar deals have rebooted African economies, once dependent on Western aid and investment.Passing through Zambia, Jonathan survives a training session with boxing world champion Esther Phiri and meets Hugh Masekela, who shares with him his view of Africa's emerging revival.



回复 :辛酸、后悔、耻辱——人类诞生的负面感情化作诅咒潜伏于日常当中。诅咒是蔓延于世间的灾祸根源,最坏的情况下会导致人死亡。而诅咒,只能通过诅咒来祓除。拥有惊人身体能力的少年·虎杖悠仁,原本过着普通的高中生活,但某天他为了救下遭到“诅咒”袭击的同伴而吞下了特级咒物“两面宿傩的手指”,自己的魂魄也寄宿了诅咒。自此与身为诅咒的“两面宿傩”共有肉体的虎杖,在最强咒术师五条悟的介绍下编入了对诅咒专门机关「东京都立咒术高等专门学校」……为了祓除诅咒,化身为诅咒的少年无法回头的壮绝物语开始启动——



回复 :600年前,由陈坤、徐峥等人带领的舰队,起航西下之时遭遇暴风海难。六位船员在临危之际开启了穿越之门,来到了600年后的今天。陈坤和徐峥将带领两支队伍,沿着当年“郑和下西洋”的轨迹,先后去往泰国、新加坡、迪拜等地,重走“海上丝绸之路”。观众将跟随着六兄弟,欣赏异国风光的同时,感受“海上丝绸之路”对于弘扬中华民族文化、增进世界人民友谊所起到的重要作用。六位兄弟在节目中的终极任务,就是通过挑战各异的任务,尽力搜集更多的线索,用来帮助自己回忆起穿越前的身份。陈坤队和徐峥队也将为最终的胜利展开激烈的争夺,一场精彩的兄弟竞赛即将展开!



只羡鸳鸯不羡仙(婚后侯爷宠妻无度)> 东山晴后雪> 我的事说来话长> 极南之地> 一样的月光> 女神降临> 朝圣1933> 台仙魔咒> 尘封核爆> 圣斗士星矢:十二宫骑士>