暖花Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
暖花Best friends, Alex and Bryan, have a bitter fight entirely via text message when one of them sleeps with the other's crush. But, just as things seem to settle, an unexpected development may lead to yet another rift.
回复 :这电影估计不会有多少人留意,因为单单看年代,1948年,就会直接忽略过去了。别嫌这个电影译名老套,要是喜欢爵士乐的朋友,这可是非常经典的电影,不信的话,你可以看看演员列表就知道了。一位编纂音乐百科全书的教授,决定走访民间收集现实生活音乐材料,遇上了想摆脱帮派男友的迷人爵士歌手,从此巧遇了一段美妙开怀的音乐与爱情体验。A Song is Born,1948重摄改编于Ball of Fire,承接了类似的故事架构,却更纯粹多彩。全片集结了许多一时之选的爵士歌曲,例如女主角Honey Swanson以独特嗓音演唱的DADDY-O,以及STEALIN' APPLES,FLYING HOME,I'M GETTIN' SENTIMENTAL OVER YOU还有MUSKRAT RAMBLE,随兴悦耳的旋律,都珍贵地随着电影保存下来。 此片的多彩更表现在强大的卡司阵容。Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton and Charlie Barnet.活跃于Big Band(大乐队爵士)时代的著名人物,在这部电影里齐聚一堂。1948年,是继Big Band而起的摇摆爵士乐逐渐没落的年代,这样的齐聚一堂相当具有历史意义!而爵士樂的指标性人物Louis Armstrong,也在此片中飾演自己。他沙哑富感情的嗓音也原汁原味的保留了下来。 从任何方面来看,此片都是绝对不能错过的爵士经典!
回复 :一群“品行不端”却怀揣教育梦想的大学教师,从大城市来到偏远乡村开办了一所小学校。学校待遇惨淡、生活艰苦,但老师们都自得其乐,每天嘻嘻哈哈打成一片。然而教育部特派员要来突击检查的消息打破了安宁,因为学校有一位“驴得水老师”隐藏着不可告人的秘密。就在所有人都担心丑事即将败露的时候,一个神奇天才的出现拯救了大家,然而谁能料到真正的麻烦才刚刚开始……
回复 :2056 - Company soldier Hannah and scientists Gavin and Dimitri are on board of RUBIKON space station researching an algae project aimed to provide humanity with a permanent supply of oxygen and food. But all of a sudden the earth beneath them disappears in a brown, toxic fog and all contacts are broken - are they the last survivors? Should they leave the safe station, risk their lives by flying back? What is worth living for, what is worth dying for?