燃烧After a public controversy left him disgraced and demonetized, a washed up internet personality tries to win back his followers by live-streaming himself spending one night alone in an abandoned haunted house.
燃烧After a public controversy left him disgraced and demonetized, a washed up internet personality tries to win back his followers by live-streaming himself spending one night alone in an abandoned haunted house.
回复 :Duccio Tessari's rare Giallo starring Helmut Berger, Giancarlo Sbragia, Evelyn Stewart, Silvano Tranquilli & Carole Andre. A young student is murdered in a park by an unseen assailant during a heavy thunderstorm. The murderer makes his escape, but is identified by a number of people at the park exit. A sports presenter from a local TV channel, Alessandro Marchi, is quickly arrested, and despite protestations of innocence, is charged with the murder.Marchi calls his lawyer, who promises to have him released very soon, but when it comes to the trial the lawyers case is a weak one, full of holes, and Marchi is duly found guilty.All is not what it seems and it soon becomes apparent that the lawyer is having an affair with Marchi's wife and obviously does not have Marchi's best interests at heart…
回复 :SWAT指挥官瑞格(莱瑞克•本特 饰)突然被绑架,卷入了一场致命游戏,他必须在一个半小时之内过关斩将,躲过一个比一个恐怖的陷阱,才能保住性命。经验十足的FBI探员斯琼姆(斯科特•派特森 饰)来到被折磨得筋疲力尽的警察局,协助警探一起研究被竖锯玩死的受害者尸体,试图找出蛛丝马迹。随着调查的深入,竖锯变态的起因以及他邪恶的计划渐渐浮出水面……
回复 :个性既冷静又热血、既有型又傻气,令人闻风丧胆的主角来到现代东京新宿,《城市猎人》的原创故事就此展开!本片由铃木亮平领衔主演,讲述头号“清道夫”冴羽獠专为地下犯罪世界清理麻烦,在现代新宿踏上一段精彩刺激、动作连场的冒险旅程。