国产观A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened by it. Will Vijay Salgaonkar be able to protect his family this time?
国产观A gripping tale of an investigation and a family which is threatened by it. Will Vijay Salgaonkar be able to protect his family this time?
回复 :A college freshman moves into the perfect dorm on campus, but soon discovers the previous resident died under mysterious circumstances. Believing the girl was murdered, she tries to uncover the identity of the killer before it's too late.
回复 :故事发生在风光秀丽的海南岛,杨安妮(童瑶 饰)和林帆(林申 饰)是经验丰富的摄影师,专门为他人留下宝贵的回忆和美好的影像。一对夫妻人到中年突然想要离婚,在分道扬镳之前,他们决定拍摄一组“离婚照”,留作最后的纪念;一对恋人婚礼在即,可就在这个节骨眼上,他们却迷惘了,不知道身边的那个人是否就是生命中对的那一个;一位“准新娘”,在婚礼当天竟然弄丢了自己的“准新郎”;一位纯情少女,邂逅了一段根本就不会有结果的恋情。从业多年,杨安妮和林帆遇到过形形色色各式各样的客户,这些客户背后的故事亦教会了他们什么才是生命中最珍贵的东西。
回复 :讲述三位长生不老的吸血鬼室友应付人类生活的奇葩轶事。Viago,Vladislav以及Daecon三个人是室友 ,作为吸血鬼家族成员,三人都要定期摄取人血,此外还要应付人类社会的繁杂规矩,例如付房租、设法混进夜店、处理室友矛盾等等。惊悚与搞笑并行,极具特点。