午夜A group of heroin addicts are besieged by a group of mysterious figures inside a rural bar. As withdrawal starts to set in, a secret one of them is carrying threatens to destroy them all.
午夜A group of heroin addicts are besieged by a group of mysterious figures inside a rural bar. As withdrawal starts to set in, a secret one of them is carrying threatens to destroy them all.
回复 :
回复 :《大工斩玉》是由青藤玉舍、极映影业和术哲传媒联合出品的中国首部展现玉雕艺术的纪录电影。该片以纪录电影独特的艺术语言,展现了海派玉雕大师崔磊的艺术人生。作为海派最年轻的玉雕大师,崔磊潜心治玉三十载,总结出琢玉十六法,造福后学者。他不仅是我国海派玉雕的佼佼者,同时也是国家级非物质文化遗产的传承人。崔磊的创作敢于创新和表达,他的作品无论是艺术构思还是思想底蕴都是不可替代的。本片采用观察式纪录片的模式,通过崔磊“认”玉、“雕”玉、“玩”玉再到“创”玉的经历与感悟,近距离展现了国家级非物质文化遗产的技艺与传承人的喜怒哀乐,通过一件件艺术品的诞生,探秘玉雕传承人执玉人生的艺术脉络与传承故事,深入探索了中华文明独有的玉道。
回复 :Aglaé Lanctot, 25-years-old, is as insecure as can be. As a result of being 'brought up' by an irresponsible mother and by an absent father, she can now find her balance only in a methodical life and a regular, well-defined job. For instance in being the most perfectionist vehicle crash test worker ever. So imagine her dismay when she learns that her factory is going to be relocated - in India. Losing such a structuring job is simply inconceivable. So much so that when Aglaé is offered to hold the same position but thousands of miles away from home, with pay cut and without the least social benefits, she - accepts. A few days later, Aglaé hits the road in an old Citroën Visa, accompanied by her two friends and co-workers Liette and Marcelle who, for reasons of their own, have decided to follow her example.