回复 :经过数百年的发展,人类文明高度进化,他们逐渐将触角伸向宇宙深处。然而,随着人口激增,有限的资源消耗殆尽。到2174年,地球资源严重匮乏,资源争夺战达到顶峰。为了寻求新的生存乐土,人类向宇宙发射了名为“极乐世界”的宇宙飞船,开始漫长、未知的宇宙探索。经过长时间的深度睡眠,船员鲍尔(本·福斯特 Ben Foster 饰)和佩顿上尉(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)相继醒来。不知出于何种原因,他们完全忘记了航行的目的和任务。鲍尔与佩顿合作检查飞船,很快便发现其他同伴的尸体,这些昔日的伙伴死状恐怖。而且他们似乎不是仅存的生命体,一种神秘的生物仍在威胁着他们的生命……
回复 :Successful businessman Thomas (about 55), who has chosen to live in Rome, has dedicated his whole life to his work. When his kind and understanding wife Elisa dies, however, his life takes a turn for the worse. His daughter Beatrice, who has broken off her studies and is now living in a mission in India, is more eager than ever to stay there now that her mother has died. Thomas, who always pictured a sensible life for his daughter, decides to go there himself and fetch her back. The chaotic conditions in India and the misery in the streets is all too much for him, yakubd.cc however, as are the charitable nuns who receive him at the mission. When Beatrice realizes why he has come, father and daughter have a fierce argument. Sister Beth, who supports Beatrice's decision, is a thorn in Thomas's side. Defeated, he leaves the fray # only to find he's missed his flight home. He has to wait a few days more for the next one, and during this time he changes his plans. Dressed in Indian clothing, he ...
回复 :Miyu went to Seoul, Korea to study and look for her older sister who went missing two years ago. One day Miyu got to know Hana who was a famous plastic surgeon and she reminded of her missing sister. Hana lives with her lover Hyoshin, but she got attracted by Miyu. And Nyoshin felt jealous of Miyu. Miyu thought that Hana is actually her older sister and asked her to tell the truth. Hyoshin saw two of them talking and killed Hana because of jealous. Hyoshin tried to kill Miyu next and Miyu realized Hyoshin is her sister who had plastic surgery and changed her face. Finally Hana stuck a knife into herself because she knew Miyu always values her sister. Miyu survived, but lost her precious sister.