回复 :Martha is at last a QC,making her senior to Reader. Their first case together is defending taciturn thug Brendan Kay,muscle for the infamous criminal Farr family,accused of half-blinding a motorist who fell foul of boss Jody Farr. Martha believes Farr's influential solicitor,sharp Micky Joy and Farr are conspiring to stitch up the innocent Kay for a crime Farr committed. Battling against both formidable prosecutor Caroline Warwick and head of chambers Alan Cowdrey for Farr,Martha finds that Reader proves to be an ultimate help to her. He also has a solo case, defending killer Fatima Ali,referred by female solicitor George Duggan,who resists his efforts to pursue her romantically.
回复 :故事时代背景设定为四十年代,讲述少女罗雀(大元 饰)因母亲去世,饱受生活的磨难,历经不幸的她,决定将生活中的磨难转化成济世救人的慈悲心,她立志学医,与此同时她与中药房少爷林家骏(邱凯伟 饰)擦出爱的火花,二人一起携手济世救人。该剧是2020年三立台湾台周五台湾好戏系列第十四部曲。2020年4月15日开镜,5月15日正式开拍。为三立台湾台继《天之蕉子》后再度制播的周五十点档戏剧。
回复 :讲述梦想最高权力的仁粹大妃与厄运王妃废妃尹氏,以及朝鲜王朝第一代大妃贞熹王后,三位女人之间情缘与恶缘故事