高智All is set for a perfect stay with Tommy, Ella's favorite uncle. But the fun week turns into a disastrous adventure when Steve shows up. He is Tommy's new boyfriend.
高智All is set for a perfect stay with Tommy, Ella's favorite uncle. But the fun week turns into a disastrous adventure when Steve shows up. He is Tommy's new boyfriend.
回复 :歌手朱金梅(郑秀文 饰)常常受到一些匿名的恐吓信,令经理人大为紧张,于是警方派出黎树根(黎明 饰)假扮同性恋充当金梅的保姆,以便保护。原来一开始的匿名信只是某周刊记者的恶作剧,大家虚惊一场。一开始黎树根觉得朱金梅是一个十分傲慢、好高骛远的人,直到一次朱金梅说出了自己努力要向上爬的原因,使树根就此对她改观,并开始对她有好感,一路鼓励她不要为工作上对手的陷害而气馁。一名变态歌迷声称要绑架朱金梅,并说要与朱金梅一起殉情,令气氛再度紧张。此时朱金梅才发现原来树根就是警察,对树根的情感也浮出了水面。经理人决定让朱金梅暂时退出歌坛,在演唱会上,变态歌迷如期出现……
回复 :一对夫妇在墨西哥度假时与另一对夫妇相遇,看到他们的友谊在回家后发生了尴尬的转折。
回复 :This new documentary special is about the most intact slave shipwreck found to date and the only one for which we know the full story of the voyage, the passengers and their descendants.