这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,美香也将“比第一季更复杂、美香野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats。而尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯饰演的大坏蛋欧拉夫伯爵,会伪装成欧洲拍卖商Günther来到学校。
这季将讲到原作小说第5-9本的内容,美香也将“比第一季更复杂、美香野心更大”。紧接上季结尾,三姐弟被银行家Poe寄存在普鲁弗洛克预备学校,等待合适监护人,他们会遇见奇葩的同学Carmelita Spats。而尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯饰演的大坏蛋欧拉夫伯爵,会伪装成欧洲拍卖商Günther来到学校。
回复 :BBC2017开年巨作——纪录片《荒野间谍(Spy in the Wild)》。该片由BBC金牌纪录片大师John Downer和其团队出品,是『动物卧底』系列的又一次里程碑式力作。"Spy in the Wild" uses 34 realistic animatronic creatures, equipped with UHD cameras to observe wildlife activity from closer than ever before.The amount of work and time that went into this project is quite remarkable. The cameras were built specifically for this project by film maker John Downer and his team at John Downer Productions. The raw stats behind the production of Spy in the Wild are enough to make your eyes water. The crew covered 330,000 miles travelling to 31 locations in 21 countries, stretching from the Arctic to the Antarctic and all places in between. Spy in the Wild took three years to shoot, over 800 filming days. The crew captured more than 8000 hours of material, and every hour-long programme is distilled from 1250 hours of footage.
回复 :剧版《汉娜》续订第2季。第1季3月29日在亚马逊上线,虽然没有公布观看量,但亚马逊表示收获了“巨大的回应”。
回复 :布鲁诺·杜蒙正在筹备迷你剧《小孩子》第二季《库安库安,周遭的人》(Coincoin And The Extra-human,暂译)。第二季依旧围绕不适应周遭的坎坎展开,此时他已长大,告别了自己的昵称库安库安。坎坎终日游走在周边,和好友胖子参加党派会议,儿时的挚爱夏娃也为了一个女人而离开了他。新一季不仅将涉及大量科幻元素,还将融入移民危机问题和民粹政治的崛起等社会热点。杜蒙依旧选择在法国北部的奥帕尔海岸及周边村落取景,并计划于今夏开机,2018年播出。