国产The Robot Chicken writers are back for Season 7! We open with a wild and crazy puppet orgy! We find out why God hates bees, a drunken visitor from Narnia comes through the wardrobe, the Dino-Riders get a rock song and Cobra Commander joins SAG.
国产The Robot Chicken writers are back for Season 7! We open with a wild and crazy puppet orgy! We find out why God hates bees, a drunken visitor from Narnia comes through the wardrobe, the Dino-Riders get a rock song and Cobra Commander joins SAG.
回复 :The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi helps Masaru from being kidnapped after fighting strange figures. He finds out that they're not humans, but wooden puppets with amazing strength. After a hard fight, Narumi is forced to admit that he's no opponent for them; and just when he starts to think that Masaru will be captured, Shirogane, Masaru's watcher arrives from France with a weapon, the puppet Arlequin. Here begins the story of Karakuri Circus.
回复 :人と共に八百万の神々が生きる神話の世界「天和国(アマワクニ)」。そこで劍神(ハヤガミ)を操る十二神鞘が起こした革命に巻き込まれたアラタは、秘女王殺しの罪を着せられ、逃げこんだ森で異世界(現代)へと飲み込まれる… 一方、現代の高校生・日ノ原 革は友達に裏切られ、絶望の中、異世界へと迷い込む。そこで革は“アラタ”としての運命を譲り受け、劍神「創世(ツクヨ)」の後継者となる。秘女王が絶命寸前となったために劍神の封印が解けた今、劍神の持ち主である鞘たちは、自らが大王(オオキミ)となるために闘いを繰り広げる。さらには十二神鞘の中でも謎とされる「六ノ鞘」が、秘女王の復活を阻止しようと動き出す。そんな中、鞘たちの闘いに巻き込まれて命を落とす人々を救うため、そして秘女王を救うため、革は「日輪ノ大王」となることを決意。「創世」の力で全ての劍神を束ね、闘いを終わらせるべく旅を続ける。現代と神話の世界が交錯する、異世界ファンタジー!!
回复 :《苍穹之法芙娜》重大发表——新作《苍穹之法芙娜 THE BEYOND》制作决定