回复 :荣获动画界最高荣誉——法国安锡动画影展首奖。童真如何面对成长的苦涩与世界的现实?宛如巴西版的囧男孩,一家务农生活穷苦却过得快乐。然而为求谋生,父亲只得离乡出外谋生。小男孩不忍母亲伤心,踏上寻父的大冒险旅程。沿途光怪陆离的人事,城乡风景,媒体,贪婪嘴脸的美国老板与压榨扁瘦得劳动者,美丽又悲伤的世界景象。
回复 :imdbPlot summaryBorn in a small town in the countryside surrounding Pistoia, Adriana is an attractive young girl who counts on using her looks to go places in the entertainment business in Rome. Moving to the capital, she works first of all in a hairdressing salon, then in a small cinema where she manages to get a job working in fancy dress. Meantime, she socializes with young men of the upper middle classes, who take her to parties and out on the town with the sole aim of taking advantage of her. Adriana knows their game, but plays along. In the meantime, she meets an agent called Cianfanna, a modest money-grubber who introduces her to a journalist friend of his so he can write an article on her. Having thus launched her career in advertising, Adriana decides to go home to visit her parents. Once home, however, she is distraught to learn of the death of her sister. Returning to Rome, she takes acting lessons, but during one lesson she suddenly faints: she is pregnant, with no idea of who the father of her child is. The days go by and Adriana tries to forget about her pregnancy, while sleeping with an increasingly long list of lovers. And yet, despite the fact these encounters are often less than enjoyable, at one point she actually falls in love: his name is Antonio and he's a decent young man from a respectable family, but still in love with a former girlfriend he is unable to forget…
回复 :1963年,一伙黑帮分子在老大的指使下将一对情人残忍杀害,男子被埋在“十世受苦,不得超生”的阴穴处;而女子被扒皮,皮罩在灯笼上,永世不得超生。1993年,蛊惑仔阿辉(梁家辉 饰)终日倒霉透顶,而且身边连连发生奇怪灵异世间。阿辉在古董摊买下一古董表,却被一股力量莫名牵引到一栋废宅里,半梦半醒间见自己与一个叫小芙蓉的艺旦(邱淑贞 饰)亲热的场面。辉在医院被一鬼魂提醒只有四婆能够解救自己,于是他前往找四婆。四婆为他问米,他从盆中之水渐渐看到了自己的前世悲惨遭遇……