春暖After a robbery gone bad, Aaron barricades himself in a rest stop bathroom triggering a stand off with the police.
春暖After a robbery gone bad, Aaron barricades himself in a rest stop bathroom triggering a stand off with the police.
回复 :A disconnected teenage girl named Lea, who enters a relationship with a man twice her age. Lea sees him as the solution to all her problems, but his intentions are not what they seem.
回复 :长长的黑暗走廊,鲜红杂乱的涂鸦,蒙面飘过的黑衣人,厉声的惨叫,师生离奇死亡,一时间,整间学校人心惶惶。暑期,紧张一年的同学终于可以放松心情露营,然而什么的纸条再度出现,传说中的杀神即将会到营区进行行动,谁是第一被杀的人?谁是最后一个被杀的人?凶手到底是谁……
回复 :即将告别单身的你会有怎么样的庆祝活动?故事主人翁Rick的众猪朋狗友决定为他举行一个盛大兼疯狂的告别单身派对。为了要Rick绝对难忘,于是众猪朋决邀请了一批妓女来一起耍乐。另一边厢,原来新娘子的姊妹们也决定安排一个大派对来为新娘子庆祝出嫁,就在婚礼的前一晚,盛装的姊妹们竟误到了新郎哥们的庆祝地方,并被误会为妓女,场面混乱搞笑,最后相方的庆祝活动又会如何收场?汤姆·汉克斯早期出演的青春性喜剧之一,有不少暴露场面。