回复 :James Benning’s first film called The United States of America was a 1975 trip across the country, capturing its scenery through a car windshield. This second one also crisscrosses the nation, but without a car, carving it up instead into a series of static shots of just under two minutes, one for each state, presented alphabetically, from Heron Bay, Alabama to Kelly, Wyoming. The names of the places are nondescript, but the images attached to them are anything but, immaculately composed shots of landscape, cityscape and the spaces in between. As we move from A to Z, the images coalesce into a portrait of today’s USA, tracing out its fault lines almost in passing: fenced-off facilities, a river bed running dry, factories and refineries, run-down streets and gas stations, a camp under a bridge. The past is there too, seeping up through the songs and speeches that sporadically pierce the background noise or the motifs that evoke a whole career; the clouds, trains and cabins are stand-ins for films, not just states. As always, there’s time for more abstract thoughts too: each image may stand for a state, but representativity is slippery. Which state is more cinematic than the rest?
回复 :该剧主要讲述万年倒霉蛋叶可乐在万乐市经营着一家父亲留下来的醇茶铺子,未料却突然卷入一起离奇的迷香杀人案中, 为了配合调查当上了巡城卫,误打误撞的成为了一名暗探,诡异的事情不断发生,线索变得扑朔迷离 [1] ,偶遇日本少女若叶,根据日本香料线索推论到吉星转世的柒公主身上,叶可乐对柒公主一见钟情,为了排除嫌疑,寻找柒公主,用灵敏对鼻子寻找线索,线索因为护河断裂,然后根据酒以及现场线索追溯到玖若水身上,发现其实主使是岚清月,岚清月被灭口,玖若水醒悟,反叛背后主使,然后根据小七意外指引和若叶的帮助,发现幕后主使属于皇宫内部人士
回复 :这部电视剧带来了一个全新的故事。一位忠诚的母亲兼社会工作者克里斯汀·里斯仍在悲痛欲绝中,一位陌生人联系了她的家人,声称有一种非同寻常的联系。克里斯汀在隐瞒什么吗?