下班A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is the man who's running the game, as he employs horrific methods to manipulate and defeat her.
下班A young woman enlists in an underground game of pain endurance in the hope of winning the million dollar prize. She soon learns the real opponent is the man who's running the game, as he employs horrific methods to manipulate and defeat her.
回复 : 18世纪,朝鲜王朝贵族表面上仁义礼教,实则腐朽荒淫。贵公子赵元(裴勇俊 饰)风度翩翩,书画琴棋皆通,是情场中有名的风流浪子。赵元的堂姐赵夫人(李美淑 饰)表面上贤良淑德,内心却充满嫉妒与哀怨,并与赵元有着男女之情。赵夫人的丈夫即将迎娶少女素玉(李昭娟 饰)为妾,赵夫人暗中令赵元引诱素玉,在入门之前破坏她的贞洁,令自己的丈夫蒙羞。赵元对引诱少女并无兴趣,而是盯上了一位守寡九年、受到过皇室褒奖的贞洁女子——淑夫人(全度妍 饰)。赵夫人与赵元打赌,如果他能征服淑夫人这样恪守妇道的女人,就许以其床第之欢。赵元对堂姐垂涎久矣,因此想尽办法接近淑夫人,巧言令色向其诉说爱意,对任何男人都冷漠如冰的淑夫人逐渐不能自持……本片改编自法国18世纪小说家拉克洛用书信形式所写成的小说《危险关系》。
回复 :“EMILY” tells the imagined life of one of the world’s most famous authors, Emily Brontë. The film stars Emma Mackey (“Sex Education”, “Death on the Nile”) as Emily, a rebel and misfit, as she finds her voice and writes the literary classic Wuthering Heights. “EMILY” explores the relationships that inspired her – her raw, passionate sisterhood with Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling – “The Musketeers”) and Anne (Amelia Gething – “The Spanish Princess”); her first aching, forbidden love for Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen – “The Lost Daughter”, “The Haunting of Bly Manor”) and her care for her maverick brother (Fionn Whitehead – “The Duke”, “Dunkirk”) whom she idolises.
回复 :迪士尼公司旗下专门摄制自然纪录片的子公司Disneynature(迪斯尼自然)推出的又一力作。影片追踪纪录了一个棕熊家庭在一年四季变换中的生活点滴。在冰雪初融的阿拉斯加,棕熊一家从冬眠中醒来,走出洞穴面对严寒,两头新出生不久的小熊在父母的带领下学会了不少生存的本领。春去夏至,棕熊们费力捕食鲑鱼,也必须对付来自敌对方公熊和捕食者的攻击,同时无所不在的狼群也预示着致命的威胁。《阿拉斯加的棕熊》捕捉到了在狂野的阿拉斯加生命的动感与生存的悬念,那股生命的尊严、残酷与壮美令人窒息。本片由好莱坞著名喜剧明星约翰·C·赖利担任配音旁白。