回复 :由哔哩哔哩主办的一档跨年晚会。今年,B站将打造万人音乐现场狂欢,共同见证全球嘉宾的梦幻联动,畅游国风与潮流碰撞的奇妙世界,穿梭记忆深处的IP精神宇宙。一起涌入人群,酣畅狂欢,在热烈中重寻生活的实感,在跃动中感受快乐与自由,共赴最美的夜。
回复 :Reality tv show on the History channel. BIG TIMBER follows the dangerous work of logger and sawmill owner Kevin Wenstob as he and his crew go to extremes to keep the family sawmill, and their way of life, alive. Kevin's logging a remote timber claim high up the steep, rugged slopes of Klitsa Mountain, deep in the majestic heart of Vancouver Island. It's home to some of the best wood in the world and Kevin's making a big bet to get it. The claim has a thousand truckloads waiting for him and his first goal is to get 200 truckloads off the mountain before winter shuts him down, but the mountain won't give up without a fight. That's only his first obstacle though, as he finds out close to winter that he has to clear his whole claim, all one thousand loads, as soon as he can get back up there in the spring. He'll be stuck with millions of dollars in penalties if he can't do it. With his wife Sarah, his son Erik, and his right-hand man Coleman by his side, Kevin will do whatever it takes to get that big timber!
回复 :记录了不同领域的16位深度玩古爱好者,讲述了一个个鲜为人知的玩古故事。古物与人之相识贵在相知,人之相知贵在知心。与人相伴方能展现文物之美。此时的古物,不仅仅作为文物,更是作为生活方式的体现,鲜活亲近,日常为伴,彼此守护。