有趣页面Dinda, who is considered strange by the village children because of her strength, accidentally injures Panji and Ambar. She regrets and asks Aunt Donna to register her at the Mata Hati School, so that she can learn to control her power.
有趣页面Dinda, who is considered strange by the village children because of her strength, accidentally injures Panji and Ambar. She regrets and asks Aunt Donna to register her at the Mata Hati School, so that she can learn to control her power.
回复 :纱织(尻泽英龙华 饰)曾是一名在舞台上挥洒着光芒和希望的偶像,但昔日的荣光早已经褪去,如今的她在一家超市里作着收银员的工作,毫无干劲和对未来生活的希望,整个人如同沉入了泥潭中一般毫无生气。纱织唯一能够展露内心的对象,是家中养的一只俄罗斯短毛猫良男,每一天夜深人静之时,纱织都会和良男聊天。随着时间的推移,良男渐渐开始产生了幻觉,以为自己是人类,而且还是纱织的男朋友。一次偶然中,纱织结识了一位名不见经传的小画家,画家的存在渐渐改变了纱织对待生活的消极态度,两人之间的距离越来越近,良男将这一切看在眼里。
回复 :获奖:1993年法国恺撒奖提名最佳男新人1992年美国西雅图国际电影节最佳导演奖介绍:这是伊夫·蒙当的银幕绝唱,他扮演一个从疯人院逃跑出来的病人,喜欢跟树木对话,踩水而行,但身上带着枪支。影片的主角是两个巴黎青年,一个是涂鸦派画家,另一个是他的黑人小兄弟。他们从巴黎来到南部的图卢斯,以逃避无聊的生活,寻找刺激。影片的色彩很绚,技巧也很招摇,给人很酷的感觉。两位主角的表演值得称道。片名是《巨兽岛》(Isle aux Pachyderms)的缩写,数字是指该导演的第五部作品。
回复 :Bobby Taylor wants to be a respected actor. From Sam Spade to Shakespeare to superheros, he can do it all. He just has to convince Hollywood that gangstas, slaves and “Eddie Murphy-types” aren’t the sum of his talents.