热卖超过 70 万本的爱情小说《我的樱花恋人》终于改编成电影版本!特黄 摄影学徒晴人与美咲相恋,特黄无奈美咲患上不治之症,衰老速度比一般人快几十倍。这段稍纵即逝的珍贵爱情,就像樱花季节飘落满地的花瓣。美咲莞尔的美丽时刻,晴人一一用相机拍下,即便花落已久,她的笑靥依旧长留心中。
热卖超过 70 万本的爱情小说《我的樱花恋人》终于改编成电影版本!特黄 摄影学徒晴人与美咲相恋,特黄无奈美咲患上不治之症,衰老速度比一般人快几十倍。这段稍纵即逝的珍贵爱情,就像樱花季节飘落满地的花瓣。美咲莞尔的美丽时刻,晴人一一用相机拍下,即便花落已久,她的笑靥依旧长留心中。
回复 :Foodborne pathogens kill around 3,000 people in the U.S. every year and hospitalize hundreds of thousands more. Romaine lettuce, cantaloupe, sprouts . . . all have been at the center of outbreaks which have become alarmingly frequent in recent years. Their solutions are simple, but protections are scattershot, with little bureaucratic will to enforce them. And yet, our politicians keep saying that “the U.S. food supply is the safest in the world.Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food is a documentary that holds the public and private influences behind these decisions to account, beginning with the Jack In the Box E. Coli outbreak of 1992-1993 and continuing to the present day. Director Stephanie Soechtig provides tips on what to avoid at the supermarket, demystifies the tangle of regulations that govern what we eat, and tells the stories of families who have lost loved ones to foodborne illness. This is a film that will make you think about what’s on your plate and how it got there in eye-opening new ways.
回复 :SWAT指挥官瑞格(莱瑞克•本特 饰)突然被绑架,卷入了一场致命游戏,他必须在一个半小时之内过关斩将,躲过一个比一个恐怖的陷阱,才能保住性命。经验十足的FBI探员斯琼姆(斯科特•派特森 饰)来到被折磨得筋疲力尽的警察局,协助警探一起研究被竖锯玩死的受害者尸体,试图找出蛛丝马迹。随着调查的深入,竖锯变态的起因以及他邪恶的计划渐渐浮出水面……
回复 :In 2018 a string of tragedies unfolded in North Eastern Nevada. A woman was found dead and another would vanish along the same stretch of remote highway. Could these events be linked to the 2017 disappearance of outdoorsman Gary Hinge?