回复 :木偶大师Jim Henson留下传世公司——亨森公司,儿子Brian Henson作为现任董事,担任首席评委,外加Beth Hathaway 和Kirk R. Thatcher共同组成评委席。他们参与过的作品包括《侏罗纪公园》、《行尸走肉》、《剪刀手爱德华》、《 星球大战3:绝地归来》、《小魔怪》、《E.T.》……十位角色设计师展开创意比拼,制作怪兽并接受摄像镜头检验,冠军将最终进入亨森传世怪物商店……
回复 :节目是由优酷出品的纪实性追更式综艺,挑选极具代表性的6位都市年轻人在同一屋檐下真实合宿105天,采用4k、50帧影视化拍摄级拍摄记录,展现当代都市青年生活图鉴。6位明星嘉宾在观察室追更“吃瓜”,探讨年轻人的生活困惑、梦想奋斗和情感阵痛。
回复 :A 70th anniversary television event, Singapore 1942- End of Empire tells the story of those early shocking days of the Pacific War when belief in security and comfort from empire collapsed. For the first time this momentous 20th century battle, and its equally dramatic aftermath, will be told from a multi-national perspective, revealing new and challenging insights into a battle that turned our world upside down. Whilst the Japanese victory confirmed how useless it was for Australians to rely on Britain for their defence, post-war Australians looked to another great protective power - the United States - to align itself with. And Asian nations would rapidly determine their own destiny and seek a tumultuous independence.