回复 :This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is never lost.On the other hand, humor management is constant and gives it its point of grace so that conflicts, which are very deep, can occur with a lightness that catches.The chemistry that Paula Usero and Carol Rovira keep in the series is the same as they have in "Love Is Forever" so in just 10 minutes they catch you in a way that when you already see them together you already know that everything will work out , they are the basis of this series and the writers notice that they know it since the series is by and for them.
回复 :讲述Costello Jones,一个城市中挣扎在贫困线下的单身母亲(也是作家),为了摆脱困境而努力的故事。但她的努力、对女儿的爱在别人看来或许会因为偏见而显得有些可笑和滑稽;即使从中受挫,却仍不惜一切的想要挣脱。
回复 :Eli苦口婆心地劝说Alicia启动参选州检察官的宣传活动,但Alicia固执地拒绝了。与此同时,Diane考虑以合伙人身份加盟Florrick/Agos事务所,但一场内部危机很可能在她加盟之前就毁掉这家事务所。本季开始的时候,Eli竭力劝说(苦苦哀求)Alicia参选州检察官,但Alicia一直拒绝(你将看到她异常顽固的一面),由此产生了该剧不常见的喜剧效果。