岛田During the Christmas season, two sisters throw a house party, unaware that a deadly invader will be crashing the proceedings.
岛田During the Christmas season, two sisters throw a house party, unaware that a deadly invader will be crashing the proceedings.
回复 :阿昆(刘德华饰)长年垄断了海洛因市场,虽视追随8年多的阿力(吴彦祖饰)为接班人,但阿昆一向小心行事,从没透露过“货仓“、加工场的位置也未见过其他“同事”。阿昆打算把自己的生意全权交由阿力打理,阿力渐渐知道了更多毒品市场中的秘密。8年来阿力以卧底的身份搜集毒贩的全部资料,但他对吸毒者阿芬(张静初饰)投入了感情,阿芬的景况却令他对自己边缘人的身份感到更加迷惘。斗志斗勇的过程中,阿力最终取得了阿昆的完全信任,8年来的追踪,也有了终结。
回复 :The demonic forces in the haunted Long Island house escape through a mystical lamp which finds its way to a remote California mansion where the evil manipulates a little girl by manifesting itself in the form of her dead father.
回复 :钟馗之妹钟情于男妓民,加上馗妹再不嫁就永世不能投胎,钟馗与妹遂共盗生死册,以寻法延续民仅有三日的性命,因而与判官大打出手,最后与三小鬼逃上阳间。钟馗发现民乃是男妓,故对其妹决定不甚赞同,而馗妹与民更有了肉体关系。民不堪钟馗等人多番纠缠,暗中找道士九欲收伏钟馗等人,一场大战就此展开……