回复 :讲述一个住在郊区的父亲(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)在他隐藏的过往即将揭秘时、如何带领家人逃亡的故事。
回复 :影片取材于广为流传的“北新桥锁龙井”传说,揭开千年古井下隐藏的诡异传说真相。传说明年间,高僧姚广孝携鲁班四杰将祸世妖龙封印于锁龙井。百年后,锁龙井下异象丛生时现龙吟,妖龙破印复仇之说渐起,井底浮现巨大地宫,贪心者迷恋龙宫宝藏贼前赴后继下井摸金,多死于非命。鲁班四杰后人再次集结,探秘锁龙井下真相,经历杀机重重的幻象迷阵、诡戾傀儡,险象环生后,幕后操纵之人终于现身……
回复 :At first glance, it seems like an ordinary sports movie based on Kendo. Jaewoo, who joins the national team selection process, is treated as a soon-to-be eliminated player from the first day. However, IRON MASK does not simply follow the typical sports movie formula. It sets the tension high early on, by showcasing an intense confrontation between Jaewoo and the unbeatable top-ranked player, Taesu. From there, it gradually reveals why Jaewoo is there, peeling away the layers of his story like an onion. Thus, the film expands beyond being just a sports movie and veers into sharp psychological drama. The sharpness of Jaewoo’s emotions is vividly reflected in his Kendo, while also representing the challenges he must unravel in his life. The ending is quite thought-provoking. The captivating cinematography exudes the excitement of Kendo matches in an electrifying way, making IRON MASK worthy of note. (Rhana JANG)源自:https://www.bifan.kr/eng/program/program_view.asp?pk_seq=6557&sc_category_seq=6022&sc_num=1&actEvent=view