回复 :民国时期。京城四醉汉赵大满(姜武)、钱二宝(柳云龙)、孙三强(张悦)和李标(何冰)目睹进步知识分子及其女儿被杀于街头,愤慨打死凶手,闯下大祸——死者是京城汉奸恶霸姜十七的独子。四人逃避姜家众打手时,意外收到姜府总管(任鸣)送来的钞票和姜府地形图,虽不解其用意,但决定立刻杀掉姜十七。行动一刻,赵标得知老婆孩子被姜十七绑架,孤身来到姜府身陷囹圄,赵大满则因极度恐慌躲进一家小店甘被风流老板娘收留。钱二宝与张三强等不来兄弟回头寻找,再遇姜家打手,危急十分得姜十七徒弟欧阳洁丹(袁茵)相救,才知姜府总管用意,他原想借刀杀人好霸占姜家财产。三人其后来到钱二宝家乡,但姜家众打手也尾随而至,一场恶战随即展开。
回复 :Three years after the loss of his brother Vittorio, with whom he shared his entire career, Paolo Taviani returns to the works of Luigi Pirandello, which the pair adapted in 1984 (Chaos) and 1998 (You Laugh). In keeping with the Sicilian playwright’s vision, the film is not at all what it appears to be. The title may come from a 1910 novella, but there is no trace of that book’s jealousy-riddled plot. Instead, the focus is on Pirandello himself, or rather, his ashes, which are transported from a hasty burial site in fascist Rome to a permanent resting place in Sicily, on a trek that takes us through post-war Italy and its filmed memories, as seen in newsreels, amateur films and fragments of Neorealism. Having buried the master, Leonora addio then shifts gear from road movie to film adaptation, but here it picks a different Pirandello story, namely the last one, written shortly before his death in 1936. From the farewell of the title to its return to the writer’s last words, it is hard not to read this work, so free and yet so much a part of the Taviani world, as a moving brotherly farewell which, just as in 2012’s Golden Bear winner Caesar Must Die, once again uses cinema to give voice to literature and history.
回复 :在父母亲的安排之下,园子(村川绘梨 饰)嫁给了名为雨宫(林遣都 饰)的青年,从此告别了少女时代,步入了家庭主妇的行列。然而,园子的内心里对于雨宫没有丝毫的感情,她的丈夫对于她来说,不过是和自己住在同一屋檐下的陌生人而已。即便如此,园子还是和雨宫发生了肉体关系,并且怀上了雨宫的孩子。十个月之后,园子成为了母亲。之后,工作上的变动让雨宫一家人来到了京都生活。一次偶然中,园子结识了雨宫的上司越智(安藤政信 饰)。在一来二去的交往之中,园子被风度翩翩温文尔雅的越智所吸引,而越智亦在园子的身上发现了寂寞的气息,最终,两人越过了伦理道德的那条界限。