回复 :Following last year's successful documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this new thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. This revealing documentary explores the world of transsexuals in Thailand, and follows two Americans who travel to Bangkok for sex change surgery, and a British ex-pat looking for love.
回复 :瞬间角色被删除,坠入反派生活世界的刘在石,用集体智慧找到反派吧!
回复 :节目是一档“以青春之名,燃科学之光”的前沿科学思想秀节目。每期邀请一位前沿科学领域背后的顶级科学家,还有一群有脑有颜的硬核青年,他们用眼力、脑力、表达力进行一场科学认知竞演较量,与科学榜样在多维度的科学空间围坐会谈,他们探索前沿科技、解读人文社会,延展科学精神,共同探讨未来中国。