During the civil war, two soldiers attend a pregnant girl from a wealthy Madrid. One can not help but fall in love with her.
During the civil war, two soldiers attend a pregnant girl from a wealthy Madrid. One can not help but fall in love with her.
回复 :The film tells the story of three people for a year: a son (Magimel) diagnosed with cancer, a mother (Deneuve) suffering from helplessness and a doctor (Cécile de France) to do her job: One year and four seasons for these three characters to deal with the disease, to tame it, and to understand what it means to die while alive.
回复 :某高校模拟法庭,正就社会上不久前发生的一起真实案件展开辩论。案件的嫌疑人是某房地产商收养的富二代,其生父是来自河南的务工人员。案发当晚,有人听到富二代和其生父发生激烈争吵,随后生父被人在家中杀害。学生们围绕嫌疑人是否有罪展开激烈辩论,而他们的父亲作为陪审团观摩整个法庭的审判过程。休庭期间,12名陪审员被带到另一个房间展开讨论,他们必须在一个小时内得出结论,而且需要全票通过嫌疑人是否有罪。这些人来自各行各业,有着不同的背景。大家普遍希望尽快敷衍了事,谁知第一轮投票过后,只有8号陪审员(何冰 饰)认为嫌疑人无罪。有的人暴跳如雷、有的人奚落戏谑、有的人摇摆不定、有的则固执己见。这是一场关于良心和道义的鏖战……本片根据经典影片《十二怒汉》改编。
回复 :剧情介绍一名小孩在无意中见到了刺杀政客的杀手面孔,虽然除了杀手外没有人相信他的故事,但杀手还是对他展开了疯狂追杀。苏珊.乔治、莱昂内尔.杰弗里斯等的演出营造了相当紧凑逼人的气氛。但导演的手法太过于流畅,近乎卖弄。片中几段追杀的场面十分紧张刺激,很能掌握住观众的情绪。